Planet Samuro (France)
Planet Samuro (France)
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Message Panels : Aide Technique : script pour meuble à 4 places (deux couples)
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SamuroSamuro27/04Sent: 27/04/2024 01:28:091 / 3Message 1 from 3

// script pour meuble à 4 places (deux couples)

const int SIT_PLACES = 4;   // how many people can sit (must be multiple of 2)
const int MAX_ANIMS  = 1;   // how many anims on each sit place

struct SIT
  vector    pos;
  vector    rot;
  string(20) anim;


// *** for couch ***

const ROW g_sit[MAX_ANIMS] =
      {pos  => {0.4, -1.4, 1.4},     // seat 1
       rot  => {0.0, 0.0,65.0},
       anim => "beachchair2-f-A2"},
      {pos  => {0.35, 0.80, 0.60},   // seat 2
       rot  => {0.0, 0.0, -90.0},
       anim => "assise2"},
      {pos  => {0.45, -0.70, 0.60},  // seat 3
       rot  => {0.0, 0.0, -90.0},
       anim => "assise2-A1"},
      {pos  => {0.25, 1.8, 1.40},    // seat 4
       rot  => {3.2, 0.8, 0.0},
       anim => "beachchair2-f-A3"},


const key NULL_KEY = {0,0,0,0};

int[SIT_PLACES/2] g_anim_set;   // anim set (0 to MAX_ANIMS-1)
key[SIT_PLACES]   g_avatar;


// update the table g_avatar : remove any avatar that is not sitting anymore

void update_avatars()
  sitter s;
  int    i;
  bool   valid[SIT_PLACES];

  clear valid;
  while (get_sitter (out s))
    for (i=0; i<SIT_PLACES; i++)
      if (same_key (s.avatar, g_avatar[i]))
        valid[i] = true;

  for (i=0; i<SIT_PLACES; i++)
    if (!valid[i])
      g_avatar[i] = NULL_KEY;


void sit_avatar (int anim, int ava, key k)
  if (sit (mesh_nr  => 1,
           position => g_sit[anim][ava].pos,
           rotation => g_sit[anim][ava].rot,
           avatar   => k))
    start_animation (g_sit[anim][ava].anim, k);
    g_avatar[ava] = k;


// must return seat from 0 to SIT_PLACES-1

int touched_place ()
  int   i, seat;
  float dist, best_dist;
  vector tt = touched_mesh_position();
  float dx, dy, dz;

  seat = 0;
  best_dist = 999999999.0;
  for (i=0; i<SIT_PLACES; i++)
    if (!same_key (g_avatar[i], NULL_KEY))  // taken

    dx = tt.x - g_sit[0][i].pos.x;
    dy = tt.y - g_sit[0][i].pos.y;
    dz = tt.z - g_sit[0][i].pos.z;

    dist = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
    if (dist < best_dist)
      seat = i;
      best_dist = dist;

  return seat;


event touch()
  key k = touched_avatar();

  if (is_sitting (k))
    unsit (k);
    int ava;


    ava = touched_place();
    if (same_key (g_avatar[ava], NULL_KEY))   // no one sitting there yet
      sit_avatar (anim => g_anim_set[ava/2], ava => ava, k => k);


event click_avatar()
  int i, h;
  key ava;


  // compute i = sitting avatar index
  ava = clicked_avatar();
  for (i=0; i<SIT_PLACES; i++)
    if (same_key (g_avatar[i], ava))
  if (i >= SIT_PLACES)

  // advance anim for couple having i
  h = i/2;
  if (g_anim_set[h] == MAX_ANIMS)
    g_anim_set[h] = 0;

  // update couple
  for (i=h*2; i<h*2+2; i++)
    if (!same_key (g_avatar[i], NULL_KEY))
      sit_avatar (anim => g_anim_set[h], ava => i, k => g_avatar[i]);


SamuroSamuro27/04Sent: 27/04/2024 01:28:362 / 3Message 2 from 3
ce script est mieux que l'ancien, quand on clique sur le meuble l'avatar s'assied sur la position d'assise la plus proche, et cela (contrairement au script précédent) indépendamment du x,y,z du mesh

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