
A polygon is a triangle (3 sides), a square (4 sides), a pentagon (5 sides), ... up to a maximum of 32 sides.

A volume is made up of several polygons connected together, for example a pyramid, a cube, a cylinder, a sphere, or something more complicated like a marble statue.

When you choose the "Volume" sub-option in the mesh editor, your actions apply only to the clicked volume. It is, however, possible to link several volumes with LINK mode, in which case the actions apply to all these volumes together.

A mesh is made up of several volumes.

How to add several volumes in the same mesh ?
Right-click on the cube you created in the previous chapter and choose the menu OBJECT > EDIT MESH ...

then select the CUBE, CYLINDER or SPHERE mode and click on the floor, even several times : volumes appear then there.

Always keep the window EDIT MESH open and pull items from your inventory into the world : they will be added to your mesh.

To see the drop-down list of all your textures, click on the 1 above the texture image square. You can choose the number of a texture (1, 2, ..) or add a blank one to the list with NEW.

To change a texture, choose the number from the list (1, 2, ..), then click on the square to take a new texture to your PC.

To apply a texture to a volume, go to APPLY TEXTURE mode, then select the texture from the list (1, ..) and click on one of the small pyramids on the volume. You can also choose one of the sub-options (mesh: to change all volumes, polygon: to change only one face etc)

To pull/stretch these volumes, select the MOVE/STRETCH mode, click on the point of a volume and arrows appear. You can choose :